Once we were all done playing and running around (and Pedro was done leaving peemails) I went back inside to take a nap with my little brother. I'm not sure why humans call it a "cat nap" when dogs nap just as much as the cats around this house!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Walking Week
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sunday Ball
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Feelin' Beachy
I love to stick my head out the window when we go for rides.
We even me another doggie at the beach. Her mom let us play for a little bit. Pedro didn't like her that much though so Mom had to hold him. I don't remember her name but she was very fun to play with.
Thanks Mom for driving us to the beach!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Spring & Love Are In The Air!
I love laying in my bed.
But most of all I love this girl.
What are some of your favorite things to love?
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Puppy Power!

This first one is of me and my litter brother Smokey playing bitey face. Smokey was adopted by another member of my human family so we got to grow up together. He lives in Riverhead with my Aunt Cathy and Uncle Peter. I haven't seen him in a long time, but I got to see his parents a few weeks ago when our Dads took a vacation to Las Vegas. Smokey and I have another member of our litter family on Long Island named Dozer. I have never met him, but my Mom did once. He has one blue eye and one brown eye. I have a blue eye too, but there is only a smudge of different color. I'm not sure if Smokey does, I'll have to ask him next time I visit.

The second picture is of me and Libby. I'm about two months old and Libby is about five years old. This was long before she was attacked by the dog in our front yard and lost her hind leg. (Sometimes I wish I could have opened the front door to save her, but I don't have thumbs or a doggie door out to the front yard.) I look so little laying next to her! She is about the size of my head now (my parents call me a meathead), but I still know she's the Queen of our house and that I should not bother her.

The third picture is one of our old Christmas cards (or at least Jessie thinks so). I don't look so little but Leah and Jessie do! Look at those braces! Jessie isn't too sure about the year this picture was taken, but she thinks I still have a bit of a puppy face. I think I'm the best part about this photo, I'm such a handsome boy even as a young pup.
*Leah informed us this morning that this picture is from 2002, So I was about a year old!!! Definitely still a puppy. Leah's about 12 and Jessie is about 13!*
This last picture is of baby Pedro! This was his first Christmas with our family. He has his baby fur coat in the picture and believe it or not is even smaller then he is now! He looks like hes really enjoying that Beggin' Strip. Those are probably our favorite treats next to human food.