(I'm thinking of hiring a new/another secretary to help me with my blog!)
Position: Blog Secretary
Requirements: To help me with my blog whenever needed. Must enjoy long walks on the beach, playing fetch with tennis balls, giving belly rubs, and giving out treats.
Hello again everyone. I'm finally back to blogging now that Jessie has reappeared. She left for almost two weeks and couldn't help me with my bloggie. And do you know where she went? TO WORK! Hmph.... I hate when my humans have to go to work. It means that Pedro and I have to sit at home all alone. Jessie is all finished with school for the summer so now she doesn't come home to visit Pedro and I anymore during the week. Leah came home a week or two ago and I was hoping she would be home with us but she has to work too! What is with these humans and work!?!?
Oh well, at least she found some time this week to help me out. Everyday can't be a blogging day. At least some good things have happened since my last post! Like I said before... Leah is home! Everyone was so happy to see her again. She was gone away at school for so long. It is very nice to have her back in the house and be able to spend some time with her before she goes back to school. Pedro is very happy to have her back.
Jessie's boyfriend Brian is back to visit for the summer as well. He lives in North Carolina with his family now (he used to live here on Long Island) and visits every summer. I'm sure Jessie has been spending plenty of time with him and that's another reason why she hasn't been able to help me with my posting. Brian is okay, I don't mind his as much as Pedro does, plus he has a dog of his own down in NC. His name is Buddy and he's a handsome mutt like me!

Mom finally decided to give me a buzz so now I'm sporting around my summer do. Jessie wasn't there to help out in the process but she thinks Mom did a great job and I look very handsome. Everyone was saying that I don't look as big without all of my fur. At least I won't get so hot in the heat. Although the water from the pool does feels a lot colder without all of my fur to soak it up.

One of my good friends and very dedicated blogger
Joey gave me another award! Rules are that you have to list seven things you love to do and seven of your favorite blogs! Joey thank you so much! Jessie is very sorry for not posting about it sooner! You sure are a great blogger buddy.

Here are my seven favorite things to do...
1. Play with Pedro
2. Play with my toys
3. Go for walks
4. Run on the beach with out a leash
5. Riding in the car
6. Eating yummy treats
7. Giving kisses to my family
Here are my seven favorite bloggies to visit! And you all get the award!
Well I hope everyone enjoys the weekend. Jessie is going to try and keep up with my posting requests. Hopefully she keeps her promise or Pedro and I will have to make up some real help wanted signs... Mom and Leah are going away to Texas and the Grand Canyon, and Jessie has her college graduation for her associates degree. Hopefully the weather clears up and all three of my girls enjoy their weekends. I know Dad, Pedro, and I will be enjoying some pool lounging time if its sunny out. P.S. - Happy Late Memorial Day!